Feeling cushion-feeling cushion-feeling cushion-feeling heart-feeling blanket

Feeling cushion-feeling cushion-feeling cushion-feeling heart-feeling blanket

Also through the use of very different materials, the feel pad promotes the sense of touch and stimulates different brain areas.
That is why it is also called a feel pad, experience pad, touch pad or fidget pad.

Snoezelen provides a sense of security and calm. It can evoke images, words, terms, signs and symbols.
Maybe even make you laugh or stir to tears.
It is particularly suitable for people with Alzheimer's disease or dementia, as well as people and children with other disabilities.
A hard-to-reach person often suffers from not being understood, then becomes frustrated and withdraws more and more into his world.
Snoozing using our tactile materials allows people to re-engage in communication with each other, as this cushion allows the person to feel that someone is responding to their world.
This allows for a relaxed encounter in which he or she feels comfortable.
The person is stimulated by the use of different colours, the different types of fabric, buttons in different sizes, zips or other materials that can be applied to the Snoezel cushion.

The feel pad is a complete cushion, and washable at 40°